Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Zeno of Citium's Ring
ORG 20802a-1
Worn by Zeno during his shipwreck


Zeno of Citium's survival of his shipwreck




Makes user impervious to the surrounding bad energy, including taunts


Redirects bad energy to its source



Collected by

Unknown Warehouse Agent







Date of Collection

101 A.D.



Zeno of Citium was a Ancient Greek philosopher who founded the philosophical school of Stoicism, which emphasized goodness, living in harmony with nature, and developing self-control and fortitude as a means to overcome destructive emotions. It was believed that after surviving a shipwreck, Zeno the merchant made his way to a book store where he came upon the writings of Socrates. This inspired him to pursue philosophy. He originally studied under the Cynics, a popular school of thought at the time with very similar values to Stoicism. However, while the Cynics argued that one may bring peace to oneself through rigorous self-improvement and training, Stoicism diverged in the belief that ones surroundings may not be controlled, but ones' reaction can be controlled.


When wearing the ring the user will develop a deep fortitude and stoicism, allowing him or her to withstand negative energy within their surroundings. As long as one remains calm and stoic, they will be protected from negative influences. However, negative energy is not dispersed, but reflected back at its source. This could prove dangerous to those providing negative energy.


Details are extremely sketchy, but the translations of the recorded collection from Warehouse 2 suggest that it was collected from a fishmonger. The fishmonger was having a debate with his neighbor, a grocer. During the argument, the fishmonger refused to get angry at the taunts and insults hurled at him by the grocer. Pictographs suggest that somehow the negative energy was reflected off of the fishmonger onto the surrounding crowd, who pelted the grocer with his own produce.
