Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki

This page holds the names and activity status of all contributors to the Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki. Beside each name you will find the status of each member. This page was created to keep track of the activity of each member of the wiki and to prevent the works of others from being orphaned, half-finished, or unjustly altered without consent.

Active: users that have either been creating pages, editing or have otherwise been communicating on the site in the past four months. The artifact pages created by these individuals may not be altered or deleted without the permission of the creators or an override from the administrators.

Inactive: users that have not contributed or commented on the site in six months or longer. After a certain time to be decided by the administrators, the works created by these individuals will be released to the other contributors.

Banned: users that have been kicked off of the wiki due to disruptive or disrespectful behavior. They are no longer allowed to post, comment, or create new pages. Their works are considered free game to editing unless otherwise stated by administrators.



