Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Vittorino da Feltre’s Home Stoup


Vittorino da Feltre


Home Stoup


Makes children receptive to education


Damages religious articles and practices




Out and About List



Usually a small bowl and plaque containing holy water for Christians to bless themselves before sleeping and after waking, they are kept at household entrances and above the bed lintel. Although, many of the venerable object were crafted, many were destroyed during the de-Christianization after the French Revolution.

Vittorino da Feltre was an Italian humanist and teacher who pioneered new methods of education. He used a holistic approach by teaching classical humanities alongside languages, science, mathematics, art, religion and physical fitness. Feltre also went out of his way to establish friendly contact with the parents, enroll wealthy and poor children within the same class, create boarding schools not primly focused on religious doctrine and employed field trips for extracurricular learning. Known to students as La Casa Gioiosa, “The House of Joy”, Feltre’s methods were rapidly copied by schools across Europe.


It increases children's happiness and reception towards learning, associating any form of education with indulgence and gladly partaking. This yearn for knowledge seems to be particularly contagious among young children, being spread by touch. Praying has been noted to cause a stronger effect and a newfound drive to teach. It will slowly cause all religion related objects, rituals and rites to slowly become obscured or damaged beyond return.
