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Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Frances Hodgson Burnett's The Secret Garden
Frances Hodgson Burnett's The Secret Garden


Frances Hodgson Burnett


Children's novel


Transports to a secret garden that cures


Hard to leave




The Library Section


Children's Books



Frances Hodgson Burnett's The Secret Garden is about Mary Lennox, a sickly and unloved ten year old girl. She was born in India to wealthy British parents who never wanted her, thus she is cared for by servants who allow her to become a spoiled, aggressive and selfish child. After a cholera epidemic kills her parents and the servants, Mary is discovered alone but alive in the empty house. Eventually she was adopted by her uncle who she has never met. At first Mary is rude and sour hating her new home, the people living in it and the bleak moor on which the estate sits. A maid named Martha Sowerby tells Mary about her late aunt who would spend house in a private walled garden growing roses. After her aunt dies her uncle takes the key to the garden and buries it in his grief. As she comes to love her uncle and the new servants her dour attitude lifts and she becomes healthy again. Eventually she discovers the beauty in the secret garden and, along with the maid's twelve year old brother they play in the garden with the forest animals. Mary starts hearing crying at night and soon discovers that, hidden in a secret room, is her cousin Colin, who was hidden away due to a spine injury. After hearing tales of the secret garden Colin convinces her to take him which she does in his wheelchair. In the garden it is discovered that Colin could walk again, much to the joy of his father who returns after a period of time abroad.


Touching transports user to a secret garden with the book. While in the garden any illness or disease is cured. Touching the book will take you out but the illnesses return. Hard for people to leave, each person is taken to their own garden, no trace of another victim is ever discovered.
