Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki


The Clothing Rack, known in the Database as Homobonus Sector, is where pieces of clothing, jewelry, shoes, etc. have been stored since Warehouse 5 when the Byzantines began collecting the garments of the famous religious persons. Recently, though, the clothing of celebrities, outlaws, and politicians have been added to the collection.

This section is divided into several "aisles" (racks, shelves, and stands) specifically for each type of clothing. Jewelry is held in The Display Case.

Headwear - Reboux-923[]

Neckwear - Windsor-365[]

Tops - Turnbull-234[]

Legwear - Capetillo-192[]

Footwear - Vivier-133[]

Overwear (Jackets, coats, etc) - Burberry-798[]

Accessories - Halsted-522[]

Outfits (2+ Pieces) - Worth-295[]



This aisle was set aside to contain all the jewlery artifacts in the Clothing Rack.
