Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Sophie Lyons' Gloves
White gloves


Sophie Lyons




Enables the wearer to unlock the most complicated locks and vaults in seconds


Family members begin committing crimes



Collected by

Warehouse 13







Date of Collection

June 5, 1933



Sophie Lyons was a notorious thief, pickpocket and con woman in the late 1800s. Crime ran in her heritage; her grandfather was a safecracker, both her parents had prior records and her mother forced her out on the street to steal. Even when directly confronted by the victim or detectives, she would manage to arouse enough pity to persuade them to leave.

That is until a court case against her son George occurred, where he called his mother an abandoner and thief, which forced her to tell the judge her criminal history. The judge held George in custody while dual investigations were held, and he tried to choke himself when he learned of his prolonged hearing. Outside of her son, Sophie and her first husband Ned committed various thefts together while working in the inner circle of New York City queenpin Marm Manelbaum.


Touching any lock or protected area with the gloves will automatically start to undo them. Complicated locks will have their tumblers run through all the combinations, while coverings like brick and metal will weaken. Unable to fully comprehend more sophisticated technology that requires electronic passwords, it instead causes the wiring and circuits to deteriorate into dust and circulate throughout. This grinds away at the internal architecture and always results in a hard reset, opening the passageway.

The user’s family members will start committing felonies, mostly small-time thefts.

Scam and Con Artifacts
The Hoax Foyer
Alexander of Abonoteichus' GrimorieBarry Larkin's Olympic TorchCalaveras SkullCassie Chadwick's Pearl NecklaceChristopher Müller’s Gold ToothCraig Jackson's WatchDoug Bower & Dave Chorley's Wood PlanksElsie Wright’s CameraFerdinand Waldo Demara’s Medical TextbookFiji MermaidGeneral Store from Agloe, New YorkGeorge C. Parker's Deed to the Brooklyn BridgeHMS Dreadnought Hoax CostumesID Sniper RifleJacques Aymar-Vernay’s Dowsing RodLambert Simnel's LeggingsLeft Handed Whopper WrapperMary Bateman’s Eggs''Masked Marauders'' Vinyl RecordMelvin Dummar's WillOriginal Copy of 'I, Libertine'Orson Welles' MicrophoneTed Serios' Polaroid CameraUri Geller's SpoonWilhelm Voigt’s Army UniformWilliam Robinson's Chest
Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Hoax SetBrian G. Hughes UmbrellaC. L. Blood's BellowsCharles Ponzi's Money ClipCharles Wells’ Roulette WheelDan Enright's Address BookElyesa Bazna's Counterfeit BanknotesEmerich Juettner’s Counterfeit Dollar BillFrank Abagnale Jr.'s CheckbookHenry Meigg's Warrant BookHerb Stempel's HeadsetJefferson Randolph Smith's Soap BarMary Butterworth's IronMatthew Hopkins' Witch-Pricking PinM.E. Clifton James's Fake Military UniformP.T. Barnum's Top Hat & Walking StickRichard Feynman's Safecracking Numerical PadSophie Lyons' GlovesSteven Jay Russell's HighlightersWilliam Chaloner's GroatWilliam Chaloner's Lottery Ticket
