Founded in Warehouse 9 at Constantinople. Contains artifacts that can give intelligence, instant information and ones that have been originally owned by famous scientists and inventors.
There are some aisles that contain all the artifacts or inventions that have been made in their lifetime. These are the exceptions:
- Tesla-315
- Edison-256P
- Farnsworth-78C
- Escher-232M
- Wells-H90G6
- Gallei-676V
- Newton-837G
- Vinci-479Q
Current Artifacts[]
- Abacus
- Agathodaemon's Natron
- Albert Einstein's Chalk
- Albert Einstein's Comb
- Alexander Graham Bell's Telephone Wire
- Alfred Nobel's Box Detonator
- Alfred Nobel's Curtains
- AndrĆ©-Marie AmpĆØreās Notebook
- Antoine Lavosier's Candle
- Antoine Lavosier's Microscope
- Archimedes's Bathtub
- Augustin-Jean Fresnel's Magnifying Glass
- Benjamin Franklin's Keys
- Cai Lunās Paper
- Carl Linnaeus' Herbarium
- Carl Sagan's Jacket
- Charles Darwinās Magnifying Glass
- Charles Darwin's Spyglass
- Charles Lyell's Tool Belt
- Charles Richter and Beno Gutenberg's Paper Roll and Pen
- Charles Richter's Fountain Pen and Cap
- Christiaan Huygens' Pendulum
- Christiaan Huygens' Prism
- Clair Cameron Pattersonās Geologic Hammer
- Conrad Haasā Nozzle
- Ctesibius' Water Clock
- David Brewster's Prism
- David Edward Hughes' Harp
- Dian Fossey's Rain Slicker
- Dmitri Mendeleev's Display of the Periodic Table
- Duncan MacDougall's 21 Gram Weights
- Edwin H. Land's First Polarized Sunglasses
- Eli Whitney's Vest
- Erwin Schrƶdingerās Cat Collar
- Evangelista Torricelli's Barometer
- Ćvry Schatzman's Telescope
- Feathers from Diego MarĆn Aguilera's Flying Machine
- Francis Bacon's Pipe
- Fred Hoyleās Rubik's Cube
- Geber's Battery
- Geber's Glassblower
- George Dantzig's National Medal of Science Award
- Georg Wilhelm Richmann's Metal Tongs
- Gordon Gould's Laser Notebook
- Gregor Mendel's Glasses
- Gregor Mendel's Magnifying Glass
- Hans Christian Ćrsted's Compass
- Heinrich Hertz's Battery
- Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olbersā Telescope
- Henri Moissan's Fluorine
- Hero's Aeropile
- Hero of Alexandria's Holy Water Dispenser
- Jack Parson's Rocket Engine
- James Clerk Maxwell's Camera Lens
- James Hutton's Overcoat
- James Prescott Joule's Thermodynamic Generator
- James Watt's Steam Condenser
- Jean-Pierre Christin's Thermometer
- Johannes Diderik van der Waals' Gloves
- Johannes Kepler's Telescope Lense
- John Carl Wilcke's Rug
- John Dalton's Weather Vane
- John Harrisonās Longcase Clock
- JosĆ© Delgadoās Transmitter
- Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac's Snuff Box
- Joseph Swan's Electric Light
- Justin O. Schmidt's Wasp Mask
- Karl Schwarzchild's Pocket Watch
- Luke Howard's Barometer
- Matroshka Experiments Mannequin
- Michael Faraday's Balloons
- Michael Faraday's Horseshoe Magnets
- Nathan Stubblefield's First Wireless Telephone
- Nicholas Flamel's Cauldron
- Nicolaus Copernicus' Armillary Sphere
- Niels Finsen's Lighter
- Otto von Guerickeās Magdeburg Hemispheres
- Robert Angus Smith's Jar
- Robert Hooke's Mirrors
- Robert Hooke's Music Box
- Robert Joseph White's Pipe
- Roger Bacon's Robe Belt
- Samuel Rubenās Batteries
- Santiago RamĆ³n y Cajal's Microscope
- Srinivasa Ramanujan's Stick
- Stanislaw Ulam's Calculator
- Stephen Hawking's Wheelchair
- Svante Arrheniusā Gloves
- Theodore H. Maiman's Safety Visor
- Vera Rubin's Protractor
- Vladimir Gavreau's Fan Blade
- Wilhelm Rontgen's Monocle
- William Beebe's Umbrella
- William Whewell's Lab Coat
- Zhang Hengās Seismometer