Holds many artifacts that induce effects that relate to a genre of fiction dealing with imaginative content that dwell deep within the realm of time travel, space travel, faster than light travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life. Many of the artifacts actually come from literary giants who have contributed a great deal to the genre and more recently, film and television shows.
- Aegicoros' Goblet
- Arthur C. Clarke's Telescope
- Charles Fort’s Newspaper Clippings
- Edward Bellamy's Cornerstone
- Enrique Gaspar y Rimbau’s Cast Iron Box
- Forrest Ackerman's Memorabilia Displays
- Frank Herbert's Map of Arrakis
- Garrett P. Serviss' Prop Martian Gun
- Hugo Gernsback's Radio
- Isaac Asimov's Glasses
- J. Allen Hynek's Telescope
- Jorge Luis Borges' Scrapbook
- Karel Čapek's Ashtray
- Kurt Vonnegut's Helmet
- L. Ron Hubbard's "E-Meter" Electropsychometer
- L. Sprague de Camp's Theodolite
- Lemuel Gulliver's Ship Wheel
- Louis Essen's Alarm Clock
- Madeleine L'Engle's Brooch
- Margaret Cavendish's Inkwell
- Marie Corelli's Gondola
- Pellegrino Emetti's Chronovisor
- Philip K. Dick's I Ching
- Philip K. Dick's Journal
- Richard Matheson's Beret
- Robert Charroux's Metal Detector
- Robert Heinlein's Bootstraps
- Samuel Madden's Letter Opener
- Sydney Newman's Rotary Phone
- The Heart of Frankenstein's Monster