Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki




Aura-tuned individuals, Oneiro-prophetic


Historically used to located obscure artifacts



Individuals labelled by the warehouse as "Oracles" have existed since before the time of Warehouse 1. They are a group of otherwise unconnected individuals with the ability to receive information about artifacts across the world through dreams or trance-like visions. It is largely accepted that this is a form of the slightly more common "aura sensitivity" possessed by a small portion of the population.

Oracles as defined by the Warehouse should not be confused for oracles of various religions, whose prophecies were considered divine messages regarding the future or past, although some overlap has occurred.


Oracles may occasionally (or frequently) receive visions of artifacts in their dreams as they activate around the world, possibly due to their aura being in a specific "tune" to catch the energy they give off. Particularly powerful artifacts or in-tune Oracles may even cause waking visions. As dreams tend to be largely forgotten or disregarded, many Oracles may go their lives completely unaware of the legitimacy of their visions.

Known Oracles[]

  • The first Oracle recorded by the Warehouse was Aristander of Telmessos, who Alexander used to locate several artifacts around the Mediterranean during his conquests.
  • Jeanne d'Arc may have been an Oracle, as she reportedly had visions leading her to the Sword of Charles Martel located under a church. Jeanne was never contacted by a Warehouse representative, nor was the sword found when her other artifacts were recovered.
  • Srinivasa Ramanujan was perhaps the most influential in the Warehouse's history. He did not receive dreams about artifacts as objects, but as equations and formulae. While much of his more esoteric work is still undecipherable, his complex understanding of math helped the development team of Warehouse 12 create the modern PING system, a much more reliable successor to Le Prophète.
  • Howard Philip Lovecraft and Stephen King are both rather infamous among known Oracles, as both of them turned their nightmarish dreams into literature. Lovecraft's own deep-rooted fears and paranoia's made an artifact of his own, while King inadvertently caused an energy feedback loop with an artifact as he dreamed of it while it was affecting him. Both were unaware of their Oracle nature, though the Warehouse has used their works to locate and contain several dangerous artifacts.