Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Murray Ball's Electric Fence


Murray Ball


Electric Fence


Turns area into stylized cartoons and brings classic characters to life




Powering fence

Collected by

Warehouse 13



Date of Collection




Murray Ball is a New Zealand comic cartoonist known for his most published series Footrot Flats and the earlier Stanley the Palaeolithic Hero. He has lived in many parts of the world and his comics have appeared in newspapers worldwide. In 1986, Footrot Flats became the subject of New Zealand's first animated move "Footrot Flats: The Dog's Tale". 

Now retired and living in Gisborne with his wife, he was awarded the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2002 for his work in cartoons.


When the fence is powered and comes into contact with a living creature, it relaeses a bright flash of light that turns the area into a stylized cartoon reminicent of Ball's trademark art style. It's noted that affected animals beome more intelligent. When activated, cartoon farm animals are also released from the fence including Flats regulars such as Horse the cat, Pew the magpie and Jess the Dog. No human characters appear, nor does the main character, 'Dog'. Humans affected by the artifact also have their clothes changed into a more rural 'Farmer' outfit.

De-activation is as simple as switching off the power source.


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