Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Juan Horado
Norse pagan, local time god


Juan Horado





Index Number



Warehouse Agent, Ascendere Co-Founder

Previous Occupation

Watch maker

Area of Expertise

Temporal artifacts


Life Before Warehouse[]

Juan and Aden Taylor participated in a Sburb session, which granted them their powers over Time and Space respectively. A month after Aden joined the Warehouse team, Juan suffered an encounter with Gloria Von Dichi, leaving him knocked out for several days in his house.


After recognizing the specific pair of Sburb Beta Disks left in Portugal, Aden realized something was wrong with his best friend and immediately left to New Mexico, where he woke him up. After a brief tussle with Von Dichi's maid, Juan was teleported to the Warehouse.

Juan learned about the Warehouse on his own, explaining to Mr. Kosan about his own skills and going into detail about his chronokinetic abilities.


Juan is generally friendly and nice to be around. However, Juan can also be easily irritated, and has no time for anyone who distracts him from his current goal.

Juan is open about which way he swings sexually, often saying he is "as straight as a rainbow." But after his attraction to his own gender, Juan loves to fiddle with old watches and clocks, a habit he developed post-SBURB. He also enjoys snarking with fellow Agents, Aden in particular.

Juan's mental state is actually fairly fragile, even for the already-unstable God Tiers. He suffers from depression, but tends to conceal it. He also has thanatophobia. Death scares him a lot, despite his Norse beliefs.

As mentioned, Juan is neopagan, and worships the Norse gods.

Juan deeply regrets the death of his childhood friend Morty. A small accident with Houdini's wallet lessened this regret some.

History With the Warehouse[]

Von Dichi Incident[]

Yggdrasil Incident[]

Juan Horado has persistant dreams of the Norse World Tree, Yggdrasil, leading to him acquiring the head of gungnir and a seed of the tree.


Juan is the Spanish form of "John". The name means "God is Gracious". Horado means "keeper of time", and is also a Spanish word for Time.

Artifact Usage[]

Juan is cautious around artifacts, rarely employing their use.

  • Thor's Gear - Juan enjoys using them very much. And they seem to enjoy him as well.
  • Odin's Runes - Juan can use them effortlessly.
  • Spear - a straight ash stick topped with the normally inactive head of the legendary Gungnir, it amplifies Juan’s powers.


Mundane Skills[]

  • Spear Proficency
  • Bilingualism


As the Mage of Time in the Ascendere, Juan can study the flow of time and actively manipulate it for his benefit.

  • Flight
  • Conditional/Ressurective Immortality
  • Temporal Duplication: By skipping back in time, Juan can seemingly be in two places at once, the the first Juan will eventually need to travel back to complete the resulting time loop.
  • Time Travel: With a large amount of power, Juan can induce true time travel, though he and anyone who comes with him will be restricted to observation and thus unable to interfere.
  • Parachronal Cognition: Using meditation, Juan can peek into alternate timelines to observe different outcomes. Doing this will result in a headache that builds steadily the longer he observes.
  • Time Stop/Rewind/Accelerate: Juan can stop, reverse, or accelerate the effects of time on himself or anyone/thing he directs. Doing so for prolonged periods can result in dangerous side effects if he does not prepare beforehand.


  • Norse Artifacts respond favorably to his usage and presence; and even Odin's Runestones won't violently attack him due to the pain in his past and heart (still grumble about it though).
  • Prior to the Von Dichi incident, Aden and Juan exchanged the Sburb Disks between each-other every year (Juan had them when she struck).
  • Is almost always on time, due to temporarily extending time so he gets there exactly when he needs to be there, then deleting the extra time.
  • Juan is freaking terrified of Mr. Kosan's mere presence, willing to do anything the Regent asks if it means getting the heck away.
  • When dealing with time artifacts, Juan develops a headache.
  • As a Time Player, Juan is directly influenced by the Alpha Timeline. If he makes a decision the Alpha Timeline does not agree with, he will pause for a moment before changing his mind for no apparent reason.
  • Juan duels with a Noble Knights Yugioh Deck, and uses it to a powerful degree, especially when mixed with Aden's Lost Sanctuary. His signature monster is the Noble Night Medraut (aka Mordred), whom he identifies with at times.
  • His torso is covered in cephalopod sucker markings he refuses to talk about. These are from his time as a Grimdark player in his Sburb session. They darken whenever he comes close to entering the state.
  • Kindly avoid using the name "Morty" around Juan. You'll either set him crying or make him attack you. Morty was a childhood friend that the Mage loved dearly, yet fell into a snake pit one day.
  • Juan is very strong, capable of doing pushups while having someone (usually Aden sit on top of him without the support of his God Tier abilities (he hopes to be able to do the same with Soul at some point).
Members Risen OneJuan HoradoAden TaylorMary MelinoeEva HalliganAaron SkylarLance Serling
Artifacts Skaian Chess SetGod Tier Pocket WatchAaron's tuning fork
Miscellaneous Marie GuichonManor Ascendant
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