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Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Jacques Aymar-Vernay’s Dowsing Rod
Dowsing rod


Jacques Aymar-Vernay


Dowsing Rod


Glows in vicinity of important features/events


Turns user woefully incompetent



Collected by

Warehouse 11







Date of Collection

October 2, 1748



Jacques Aymar-Vernay was a stonemason from the village of Saint Marcellin in Dauphiné, France, who reintroduced dowsing with a divining rod into popular usage in Europe. He claimed to have discovered springs and treasures hiding in the earth using his rod, and even tracked down criminals using it. According to some accounts, when he neared the scene of a murder using a divining rod, he would break into a sweat, shudder, and in some instances, even faint.

In 1692, Aymar-Vernay was hired by authorities to locate a murderer. By swinging a pendulum he identified a 19-year-old boy, a hunchback, as the culprit. The boy was subsequently broken on the wheel. Aymar subsequently became something of a national celebrity for his "ability". When submitting to testing by Prince de Condé, however, he failed every single test.


Whenever something of interest to the user or an important event is about to occur nearby, the stick will luminesce with light. It will ooze out tendrils of light that will slide in the cardinal direction of interest. The user however will become totally clueless about its meaning and unsure how to function or what they’re even doing.

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