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Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Isaac Newton's Apple


Isaac Newton




When it strikes the ground, the gravity in the surrounding area increases.




The apple hitting the ground.

Collected by

Warehouse 10







Date of Collection




Sir Isaac Newton (25 December 1642 – 20 March 1727) was an English physicist and mathematician who is widely regarded as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution. Newton's Principia formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation that dominated scientists' view of the physical universe for the next three centuries. It also demonstrated that the motion of objects on the Earth and that of celestial bodies could be described by the same principles. By deriving Kepler's laws of planetary motion from his mathematical description of gravity, Newton removed the last doubts about the validity of the heliocentric model of the cosmos.

Newton himself often told the story that he was inspired to formulate his theory of gravitation by watching the fall of an apple from a tree. Although it has been said that the apple story is a myth and that he did not arrive at his theory of gravity in any single moment, acquaintances of Newton (such as William Stukeley, whose manuscript account of 1752 has been made available by the Royal Society) do in fact confirm the incident, though not the cartoon version that the apple actually hit Newton's head. 


When incidents of people feeling like they were being held in place and pressed to the ground in Great Britain caught the attention of Warehouse 10 agents, they were dispatched to several scenes of robberies in the area. It was found that a lone thief was using an artifact in the form of a red apple to hold people in place while he absconded with valuables. When they sent it back to Warehouse 10 they shelved it with its origin being "unknown", as Newton had not explained his theory until much, much later. When Newton was able to prove his theory of gravity, the label on the apple was changed.

The apple seems to be extremely solid and has not decomposed at all since it's recovery. Now in Warehouse 13, it resides along all the other science artifacts that have been collected.
