Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olbers’ Telescope
0428bw telescope


Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olbers




Creates overwhelming light


Only works at night or in dark areas


Looking through it

Collected by

Warehouse 12







Date of Collection

February 19, 1884



Heinrich Olbers was an astronomer, observing comets and asteroids, proposing the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter were the remnants of a destroyed planet. He also thought of Olbers’ paradox, which went under the assumptions of the universe being static and infinite. If every line of sight ended with a star, then the sky should always be lit, contradicting the absence of light during nighttime.


When peered through, it glows and transmits an extremely bright light. It’s effect has proven benign, as it is strong enough to light dark, cavernous spaces. However, it will never operate when in the daytime or in a well lit location.

It is kept in the science section adjacent to Heinrich Hertz's Battery as their abilities are opposites and would naturally cancel each other out if one activated.

Astronomy Artifacts
Astronomers Clyde W. Tombaugh's Photographic PlatesEdmond Halley's TelescopeErnst Chladni's PlateFritz Zwicky’s Meteor PelletsGalileo Galilei's AstrolabeHeinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olbers’ TelescopeJohannes Hevelius' QuadrantJohannes Kepler's Telescope LenseJohn Flamsteed's Star CatalogueKazimierz Kordylewski’s TelescopeLuis Alvarez's Iridium ChunkNicolaus Copernicus' Armillary SphereTycho Brahe's Prosthetic NosesVera Rubin's ProtractorWilliam Wales' Portable Observatory
Exploration Missions American Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Hoax SetApollo 13 Command ModuleApollo 15 Geologic Hammer and Falcon FeatherChris Hadfield's Acoustic GuitarColumbia Space ShuttleNavigational Software from the Mars Climate OrbiterPete Conrad's Space BootsRichard F. Gordon Jr's Spacesuit HelmetSaturn VThe Fourth AstronautWally Schirra’s Insignia PatchesWilliam Safire’s Apollo 11 Speech
Soviet / Russian Alexey Leonov's "Near the Moon"Laika's HarnessSputnik's AntennaUSSR Space CapsuleValentin Bondarenko's Cotton BallsValeri Polyakov's Blood Pressure CuffVladislav Volkov’s SpacesuitYuri Gagarin's Hockey PuckYuri Gagarin's SpacesuitYuri Gagarin's Lieutenant Pin
Other Edward Makuka Nkoloso’s Oil DrumMatroshka Experiments Mannequin
Natural Phenomenon Samples Chunk of the Chelyabinsk MeteorExplosive Meteor FragmentNWA 7034Piece of Halley's CometStar Jelly
Solar Prominence Donald Liebenberg's Eclipse GlassesÉvry Schatzman's TelescopeJohannes Fabricius' Camera ObscuraObelisk from St. Peter's BasilicaRa's ScepterRa's Solar Barge
Lunar Activity Chang'e's BuyaoJean Chastel's Silver GunLi Bai’s Rosewood Wall PanelsPrincess Kaguya’s Bamboo SwordSelene's TiaraTobias Mayer's Reflecting CircleWang Zhenyi's Lunar Eclipse
Exotic Physics Fred Hoyle’s Rubik's CubeGeorge Biddell Airy's Transit InstrumentHermann Weyl's Drafting CompassHolmdel Horn AntennaJames Chadwick's Nobel PrizeJocelyn Bell Burnell's Chart RecorderJohannes Kepler's Planetary ModelJohn Archibald Wheeler’s Newton CradleKarl Schwarzchild's Pocket WatchLouis Essen's Alarm Clock
Extraterrestrial Life Purported Sightings Heaven's Gate HomepageJ. Allen Hynek's TelescopeWilliam Brazel's Cowboy Hat
Fictional Encounters Bolaji Badejo's BeretCybermen OutfitsDalek CostumesFox Mulder's 'I Want To Believe' PosterGarrett P. Serviss' Prop Martian GunGeorge Lucas' Original Prop LightsaberH. R. Giger's Mechanical PencilHAL 9000 PropOmnitrix ToyOrson Welles' MicrophoneRichard O'Brien's StockingsU.S. Air Force Space Probe No. 1Zathura
Miscellaneous Bill Kaysing's FeatherCarl Sagan's JacketCharles Fort’s Newspaper ClippingsConrad Haas’ NozzleHuitzilopochtli's Sacrificial BowlJack Parson's Rocket EngineLance Bass' Cargo ContainerMaria Margaretha Kirch's EphemerisPiece of the Antikythera MechanismQian Xuesen's Servomechanism
