Hades Caverns | |
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The bident symbol of Hades | |
Type |
Cave system |
Locality |
Greek Archipelago |
Inhabitation |
Pre-Classical Greece |
Anamolies |
Much larger inside than would be first suggested; halves aging process |
Containment |
Sealed; Remains Uncontacted |
Discovery |
Warehouse 2 |
[Source] |
Hades, or the Hellenistic Underworld, is believed to be two things: A place where the dead of Greece and Rome reside... and a prison for those who have offended the gods. Several heroes, most famously Heracles and Orpheus, have travelled down to the Underworld on their quests.
The caverns occupy a far larger space than modern scanning equipment could detect, stretching far wider and far deeper than can be assumed. Those who dwell here also have their aging process slowed by half.
While the Underworld has existed since Mycenean Greece at the earliest, it is hypothesized to have been created a some time before that, though the exact reason for its creation is unknown.
At the conclusion of the Titanomachy (approximately 1600 BCE), the majority of the Titans were sent here to be kept as prisoners, unable to again interfere with the Olympians. The Olympian who became known as the god Hades became what could effectively be considered the High Warden of the Underworld. However, over the following years, Hades saw that the Titans were not all bad people, and gave those who weren't violent a lot of freedom to live, despite not allowing them to leave the Underworld. When the first Hades grew too old, he selected a child of the Titans to take his throne, and the title of High Warden became hereditary. There was not much contact with the above world.
A couple centuries later, The Olympians retreated here after the events of what is now referred to as the Gigantomachy, an event that not only scattered the Olympian Artifacts across Greece, but also completely destroyed the AEZ known as Olympus. They were shocked to learn that the original Hades had permitted the Titans to run free, but the Titans wanted no quarrel. They were able to co-exist for several centuries, although it wasn't always smooth. Eventually, around 900 BCE, the Olympians decided to go back to the surface to create a new Olympus.
For several centuries, few prisoners were sent into the Caverns. However, at some point, more and more people were being sent down. The High Warden at the time, whose name was Persephone (not related to the goddess of the same name), became suspicious that so many people were being sent down, not believing that so many of these people were enemies to the gods. In order to make things fair, she created a special chamber for trials, and picked three intelligent Titans to form the Judges of the Caverns.
The Judges would review each case to make sure that the people sent to them were deserving to be there. There was a prosecutor and attorney, and a pool of water that offers a look at the crime accused. Upon the finishing of arguments, the Judges decide whether the person before them is guilty or innocent, and if guilty, does their crime warrant their placement in the Underworld. The Judges themselves were chosen by the High Warden and are considered some of the most intellectual and impartial people in the Underworld, and passed down many decisions, helping to keep many Greek citizens from suffering needlessly.
Some time later, when The Olympians engaged the Warehouse around 150 BCE,
(events of the Deiomatchy)
the then-High Warden Persephone (this one a former Olympian) chose to fight alongside the Warehouse against the other Olympians. After the battle, the Warden’s Bident and Helm were given to Warehouse as a show of good faith that the citizens of Hades would not cause trouble above ground.
The cavern was shut as the “Army of the Dead” returned through the gates, but not before the Warehouse gave them a communications artifact, the Hydraulic Telegraph - a communications artifact that could be used in emergencies to contact the Warehouse. No contact has been made to date, and therefore no further history is currently known.
- A nondescript cave marks the entrance to the Underworld. Deep below, a pair of columns support a doorway into Erebus. Carved onto the bronze doors is the symbol of Hades (pictured above).
- Erebus is a shoreline of black rock, with a carved stone dock extending out into the acidic River Styx. Tied to the dock is Charon’s Ferry, and barely visible across the river is the matching dock. The raft itself refuses to sail unless it is paid, and continued refusal will cause the ferry to sink, dragging all on board with it.
- The Cerberus Archway comes next, allowing all to enter after exiting the Ferry. It serves as the "gate" to the AEZ, preventing all unauthorized people from leaving.
- The Three Judges' Chambers is a special room that is used for trials. A large platform houses the Judges' Seats, and two tables sit across from each other. A circular pool of water lies in the center, used to provide evidence to the court. A podium also stands where the accused stands trial.
- The Fields of Asphodel, which does indeed have vast swaths of summer asphodel flowers, is primarily farmland for the inhabitants of the cavern. Normal water does flow here from the surface or a spring, but so too does the fiery River Phlegethon.
- Elysium: A section of the Underworld massive enough to possess its own ecosystem. There are hills, valleys, forests and plains, as well as a farm. The area also has a massive river, which seems to be the basis of the five rivers that flow through the Caverns (five of which have artifact properties), though this river has no properties. The section operates on a twenty-two hour day with a massive crystal used at the center of the section to light the area, its brightness varying by the "time" of day (morning, afternoon, evening, and night). A large lake contains the Isles of the Blessed, which serves as a retirement home for the elderly of the Underworld.
- Tartarus Prison and River Cocytus: The main security for the prison is the River Cocytus. Most prisoners, much like the jarred water, will be unable to fully cross, so consumed by guilt.
- The Palace of Hades is the dwelling place of the High Warden and their family. The Current holder of this position bears the name “Zagreus”. The palace is separated from the rest of Hades by the River Archeron (possibly a branch from the Archeron on the surface).
- It is hypothesized that a World Tree exists down here. However, due to the lack of ability to confirm this, it is considered only a possible feature and may not actually exist.
Currently in the Underworld[]
- Charon’s Ferry: A boat that allows for safe passage across the Styx River.
- Rivers of the Underworld: The source of the five jars currently in storage of the Warehouse.
- Cerberus Archway: Prevents inhabitants of the Underworld from leaving without authorization.
- Hydraulic Telegraph: A communication tool, able to be used for contact with the Warehouse.
- Pool of Truth (also called the Alethian Pool): A special pool used by the Judges during trials. The effects and how it works are not well known, but it is known to provide visuals of the life of the person on trial.
- Helm and Bident of Hades: The tools of the High Warden, they were surrendered to the Warehouse after the conflict between the Olympians and the Warehouse Regents as a show of good faith that they would not attack the Warehouse in the future.
- Waters of the Underworld: Specially collected from the Rivers in the Caverns, these were given to the Warehouse prior to the conflict as a show of good faith for the coming battle.