Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Fiji Mermaid


Moses Kimball




When held will see illusions of mermaids





Collected by

Warehouse 12 Agents



Date of Collection




The original Fiji Mermaid was an object comprising the torso and head of a juvenile monkey sewn to the back half of a fish. It was a common feature of sideshows, where it was presented as a mummified body of a creature that was a version of a mermaid. This was supposed have been caught near the Fiji Islands in the South Pacific. Originally it was placed in an exhibit by P. T. Barnum after renting it from Kimball. Barnum only had the item for a few weeks before it was due back to the original owner but before it could his museum caught on fire and the item was 'destroyed'. Because of the massive amount of curiosity that drew people in to see the creature along with hope that it proved mermaids were real imbued the creature with artifact qualities.


When held, user will see illusions of mermaids. If held for less than an hour effect lasts for a day after, held for an hour to three hours, it lasts two days. Further testing is needed.


Barnum worked with agents at the time to start to fire in the museum so they could collect the Fiji Mermaid, mostly because was contacted by them and didn't want to give the creature back to Kimball.

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