Fairyland | |
"Neverland is a joy compared to the horror of Fairyland... Trust me, Pete, you never want to see it." - Agent Arthur Nielsen | |
Type |
Isolated island |
Locality |
Unknown (Temperate Pacific Island?) |
Inhabitation |
Humans (Fae Ancestry?) |
Anamolies |
Cursed island with low survival rates |
Containment |
Active |
Discovery |
First settled around 500 AD by the Seele; first Warehouse interaction in 1788 |
[Source] |
A very cursed Artifact Exclusion Zone that has gone by several names over the centuries, from Fairyland to Álfheimr, and most recently, Neverland.
Origin/Real World Connections[]
Neverland, the home of the famous Peter Pan, was first mentioned along with Peter Pan himself in 1904, though it wasn't officially dubbed "Never Land" until 1928. In the original play and novel, there are only a small handful of areas on the island, though different versions of Peter Pan have included other areas. However, the basic premise of it being an island is consistent.
The exact situation of Neverland is ambiguous and vague. In Barrie's original tale, the name for the real world is the Mainland (suggesting Neverland is a small island) reached by flight. Peter—who is described as saying "anything that came into his head"—tells Wendy the way to Neverland is "second to the right, and straight on till morning." In the novel, the children are said to have found the island only because it was "out looking for them." He also wrote that Neverland is near the "stars of the milky way" is reached "always at the time of sunrise."
This AEZ slows the aging down to one-third the normal rate. However, this slow growth to allow the ideal of "never growing up" comes at a severe detriment to those who come to Neverland. While the island itself appears to be a wonderful place at first sight, the location is filled with extremely dangerous beasts and shadow creatures which actively hunt anyone who comes to the island. Dark dreams and nightmares come to life in most areas of Fairyland, providing no opportunity to rest as victims fight their fears to survive.
The island seems to offer its victims an initial reprieve of approximately two days prior to beginning to terrorize the new arrivals. The AEZ seems to fuel itself off of its victims' fears, creating monsters and shadows which stalk, maul, and curse their prey at every turn. The types of monsters and shadows the user finds depends on the area, and new monsters and shadows will form based on the fears of each particular victim.
It is unclear precisely when this AEZ first came to be. The first Warehouse record of this was sometime prior to the 1500s, when reports of several dolls that looked like a "mythical fairy" entered into the records of Warehouse 8. According to the reports, the doll was responsible for children disappearing, for them to never return. Despite attempts to find the artifact, Agents at the time were unable to track it down. Over the centuries that followed, reports of children disappearing across the European continent reached the Warehouse, totaling at least 300 suspected cases. Unfortunately, Agents were never close enough to catch up with the suspected artifact.
- ADDENDUM: From the records of Agent Poole, a historical record from the Fae of Fairyland has been found. According to their history, they arrived on the island around 500 AD. The island was inhabited by thirty children and teens from the Gandhara civilization, who testified that they had been there for approximately thirty years. They believed in magic and creatures, but their parents had demanded that they grow up when a conflict began. To spite their parents, a group of eighty children gathered together with their fairy dolls, wishing to go to a land where they never had to grow up. Before they knew it, they had awoke in a land where there was water, magic, and fairies aplenty. The children were happy, believing that their fairy dolls had come to life to grant them their wish, but they soon realized that the land was holding a dark secret. The children were forced to hide, slow to grow and finding that it was difficult to face the darkness.
- Upon the arrival of the Fae, the children were already splitting into two groups. Ten of them had resigned themselves to stay, as their choice had consequences and were content to accept them. The other twenty vowed to find some way to escape. Unfortunately for them, our ability to arrive on this island did not necessarily allow the same ability to leave, and we had come to settle. The ten children became part of our tribe, though we offered food and powers to those who still desired to leave. Over the millennia, our tribe has grown, as has the group who wish to leave. They have gained their own powerful objects over the years, including a flying ship and automated cannons. Some of the created objects that are more dangerous are stored by the Elder for the safety of all. As of {1878}, the island currently have a population of 37,263, divided between the 26,042 who wish to stay, and 11,121 who wish to leave.
In April 1788, two Agents were able to get to one of the artifacts. Agents Boleslav Gusev and Stanislava Vasilieva got assigned to missing children's cases located in Koksharov, and after a few days they were able to track down a child who now owned the doll. However, before they were able to neutralize the doll, the child activated the artifact, which the Agents found out had a short proximity range. Caught up in the effects, they awoke in the middle of a forest, where several of the recently missing children were. Unfortunately, the artifact responsible for their disappearance was not with them.
- From the diary of Agent Stanislava Vasilieva: April 23, 1788 "We walked around and searched the forest, attempting to find the artifact responsible for our transportation. Unfortunately, there appeared to be no sign. Most of the missing children from Wolverhampton are here; however, two of the children are not here. According to the other children, these two were here about a day prior to their arrival, and they have not been seen since this morning. Boleslav seems to feel that something is amiss here, and I don't disagree. Despite this place seeming to be a paradise, I think we should be very cautious.
Sure enough, the Warehouse Agents' guts were correct. Two days later, the Agents discovered the horror that awaited them. Vicious shadows attacked them, but they were able to save one of the children, whose name was Peter. Unfortunately, things did not get easier for the Agents.
- From the Diary of Agent Stanislava Vasilieva: May 13, 1788 "This place is absolutely horrifying, but Boleslav and I have been handling ourselves just fine. Although our guns have proven almost pointless against these shadow creatures, we have found that keeping a positive attitude seems to keep them mostly at bay. The child, Peter, has gone through a lot of trauma, but he has somehow managed to maintain the most positivity of all of us. With any luck, perhaps we'll find a way home yet. Though I admit, I fear that we may never get home before we're killed.
The three were able to survive for several months by staying constantly on the move, their luck ran out on July 30. Agent Boleslav Gusev was killed by a shadow while trying to escape with Agent Vasilieva and Peter. The two were only able to survive with the timely arrival of a tribe of hunters, who were using objects that Agent Vasilieva immediately recognized as artifacts. The group took the pair in, and Agent Vasilieva was able to learn about the history of the island, as well as the group who was trying to leave. In order to stay protected, the two stayed with the village, where Vasilieva met her husband, a man named Brochfael. The pair adopted Peter as their son, and they also had six kids of their own, though only three total survived to adulthood.
- From the Diary of Agent Stanislava Vasilieva: October 29, 1823 "It has been many years since I settled down with Brochfael. Not only have I learned much of Fairyland, but I have taught them much about artifacts to keep them safe. I have grown slowly, as all do here, and I have watched my children and young Peter grow as well. But despite the almost forty years in the mainland, I have only aged about a third of that. I have lost four of my children, leaving only Calvagh, Jehanne, and Peter. After much discussion with Brochfael, we have decided that it is worth it to leave. We know it will be difficult, but it is worth it to attempt to leave.
With their decision made, the family began their attempt to leave. Agent Vasilieva joined in with the Aditi Tribe, the official name of the group who wished to leave. There, they learned that some had managed to escape the island, though it was rare and the exact way remained unclear, as it seemed to be different for each person. Nonetheless, they vowed to give it their all. In 1875, the family joined the crew of Captain Phineas Hook. Peter tended to butt heads with Captain Hook, but in the end they were all working towards the same goal. Finally, in December 1878, the family finally made their escape. All five successfully escaped the clutches of Fairyland via {insert idea here}.
- From the Diary of Agent Stanislava Vasilieva: December 24, 1878 "I cannot believe we made it back in time for Christmas. It does, indeed, feel like a Christmas miracle. However, my luck has not been complete. For while we did make it back to Russia, it appears that the Warehouse has moved. While I was away, some man named Napolitan apparently invaded the country. This likely triggered the Warehouse's move. Based on what information I have gathered, the most likely candidate for the move would be England, which has grown into a substantial world power despite the loss of America. I plan to make my way there as soon as I can to inform them both of my survival as well as my findings."
Agent Vasilieva did indeed make it back to the Warehouse on May 16, 1884. After a debriefing from the Regents on what had happened, the Regents set up a section in the Manual for how to survive in Fairyland should any Agents find themselves trapped there again.
Sure enough, in August 1898, Agents Ashby Hayden and Clifton Poole got assigned to missing children's cases located in Wolverhampton, and after a few days they were able to track down a child who owned one of the dolls. However, before they were able to neutralize the doll, the child activated the artifact, which the Agents found out had a short proximity range. Caught up in the effects, they awoke in the middle of a forest, where several of the recently missing children were. Now aware of both where they were and the means to escape, the two were able to escape along with the child in five years' time, successfully reuniting the child with his parents and returning to the Warehouse.
Although no other reports of missing children have led to another Fairy Doll, Agents are aware that more could be out there. If the records of the Fae culture hold true, then the Warehouse presently contains 49 of the 80 dolls from the ceremony, with 13 more confirmed destroyed. Agents send on missing children cases are suggested to study up on how to best escape Fairyland should they become trapped by accident, as well as to study the present culture should that occur.
It is unclear where exactly Neverland is located in the world, as it can be accessed from anywhere with the Fairyland Fairy Doll. However, based on when the Warehouse last interacted with the AEZ and the weather in the world at that time, it is likely that the island is located in the Pacific Ocean.
- Town of the Seelie: A town of humans (similar in appearance to the Fae of Avalon), and one of the only places in Fairyland where the evils are repelled by. These townspeople are content and willing to stay in Fairyland despite the harsh environment. They have a history of attempting to help the children who are trapped in Fairyland survive and are considered friendly enough to those who require their assistance. The artifact storage shed is also located here. (Current Population: 26,042)
- Artifact Storage Shed: The official storage location of all artifacts which have been deemed either too dangerous or too specific to aid the people. Courtesy of Agent Vasilieva, the Shed was properly organized and sorted, and the rate of accidents has dropped significantly. There is also now an official record of all artifacts on the island of Fairyland.
- Town of the Adita Tribe: A town for those who wish to leave Fairyland. The town is heavily fortified, and they have a strong relationship with the Seelie Tribe despite their different views. Those fighters who attain the highest skill in battle are given the chance to join Captain Hook's Ship. (Current Population: 11,038)
- Captain Hook's Ship: A large, flying wooden ship with the most skilled warriors of those who who survived the harsh terrors of Fairyland. Most of the crew have reached the appearance of late thirties, and they are known for their overall harsh perspective, only allowing those who have survived fighting Fairyland for several years to join their ship. The ship is filled with a number of artifacts used to help keep the people on the ship alive. (Current Population: 83)
- Fairy Wood: The location where those who activate the Doll end up first. A thick forest which offers plenty of sun and food, at least to start. Upon the completion of the victim's "initiation", the forest grows extremely dangerous, and spawns countless shadows and nightmares. Food becomes scarce, and the trees seem to become thicker to block out the sun.
- Mermaid's Lagoon: A location where not only mermaids, but other terrifying creatures lurk beneath the waters. The mermaids are both male and female, and the gender that appears to the user appear to align with whatever the user finds most attractive. During the day, they attempt to lure their victims into the water with their beauty and personality, while visiting at night they become more erotic in their luring. Regardless, once their victims get into the water with them, they strike, dragging them into the water, where they are revealed to be shadows. In the depths, various sea monsters rip victims apart rapidly quickly.
- Marooner's Rock:
Most Notable Artifacts Within[]
- Official Number of Artifacts according to the Artifact Storage Shed Logs (as of 1878): 9,934
- Captain Hook's Ship
- Six self-firing Cannons
- Two protection artifacts
- Five fear-reduction artifacts
- One adrenaline amplifier
- Various personal artifacts belonging to the crew
- Twelve artifacts which assist in resisting and calming fear
- Sixty protection artifacts
- Numerous weapon artifacts which help destroy things the wielders fear
- A statue of a Harpyia which allows for powerful whirlwinds; used for controlled flights
- According to the Seelie, they did arrive in around 500 CE, though they do not recall their exact history. It is speculated that they are related to the Fae of Avalon, as well as other AEZ islands. However, this remains unconfirmed.
- Several Agents of Warehouse 13 have pitched rescue plans to attempt to get all of The Lost out of the AEZ. However, due to the difficulties of exiting the AEZ as well as the overall lack of willingness from the majority of the populace to leave, the Regents have expressly rejected all proposals.
- The Artifact Storage Shed is not considered a "Branch Warehouse", as it was not founded by a Warehouse Agent, nor is it governed by the equivalent of "Regents". However, it is also not considered a rival or a threat to the Warehouse itself.
- Agents who wish to learn further details about how to survive Fairyland, as well as all relevant information, should consult Chapter 343, Subsection 12 of the Warehouse Manual.
- After the many incidents involving Fairyland, the Regents debated on creating a story to dismiss people's concerns about vanishing children. However, due to the low probability of any survivors returning and telling their story, they deemed it unnecessary.
- Sir James Matthew Barrie, 1st Baronet, the creator of Peter Pan and the tales of Neverland, was suspected to possibly be one of the survivors of Fairyland. However, the Warehouse Regents concluded that his tale had come about on its own, and that he was unaware of the AEZ which shared some similarities with his own idea.
- Artie has been fully prepared for the possibility of going to Fairyland, and he has prepared numerous contingency plans for anyone who should end up there. These contingencies can be found in Chapter 343, Subsection 12, Pages 635-653 of the Warehouse Manual.
- Despite the hopes of more joyful Agents, Neverland itself is not an AEZ. Agent Nielsen has noted that it would be a far more pleasant place to stay, but that it would be too fortunate for a place like that to exist.
- According to notes from Regent Amelia Jones, the probability that Neverland itself could eventually become its own AEZ is extremely small. This is likely for two reasons: Fairyland is too similar, and the "truest" form of Neverland's concepts would be Avalon. However, she notes, "there is a distinct possibility that, due to the unknown factors involving the creation of both AEZs and artifacts, that Neverland could eventually show up, or that a 'repeat artifact' which takes its user to Avalon or Fairyland could be created." However, she adds, "this does not exclude the creation of artifacts based on Neverland's concepts".