Ducks. That is all.
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Jesse Owens' Running Shoes -
Percy Spencer's Microwave Oven -
William Brazel's Cowboy Hat -
23 Blades from the Assassination of Julius Caesar -
Roy Sullivan's Hat -
Vial of Radithor -
First Wheel -
The Zodiac Killer's Hood
All items (223)
- Abd Al-Rahman Al-Gillani's Walking Stick
- Abebe Bikila's Jersey
- Ada Lovelace's Dress
- Agatha Christie's Typewriter
- Alan Turing's Typewriter
- Albert Camus' Coffee Cup
- Aleksandr Serebrov's Nintendo Game Boy & Copy of ''Tetris''
- Alfred Wegener's Parka
- Amber Hagerman's Bicycle
- Ambrose Burnside's Jacket
- Amelia Earhart's Lockheed Vega 5B
- Andrew Borden's Couch
- Andy Kaufman's Bowl & Spoon
- Andy Warhol's Hairbrush
- Animatronic Presidents from the "Hall of Presidents" in Walt Disney World
- Antoine Lavosier's Candle
- Archibald Spooner's Cloak
- Armand David's Glasses & Zucchetto
- Arne Larsson's Pacemaker
- Bag of Seeds from the Pavlovsk Experimental Station
- Barstool from the Cedar Tavern
- Benito Mussolini's Brass Knuckles
- Bing Crosby's Record Player
- Bioelectric Flashlight
- Bob Ross' Palette & Easel
- Bobby Blackburn's Crocodile Teeth Dentures
- Bolaji Badejo's Beret
- Bookshelf of Isaac Asimov's Complete Works
- Bow of Leif Ericson's Ship
- Buffalo Bill's Mail Bag
- Butter Churn from Lancaster County
- Cable from the Warsaw Radio Mast
- Calvin Coolidge's Kerosene Lamp
- Camera from the ''Ed Sullivan Show''
- Candles from Jeanne Calment's 100th Birthday Cake
- Carl Sagan's Jacket
- Cassie Chadwick's Pearl Necklace
- Chang and Eng Bunker's Wedding Rings
- Charles Goodyear's Synthetic Rubber
- Charles Whitman's Sniper Rifle
- Charley Parkhurst's Whip
- Charlie Chaplin's Bowler Hat
- Cheese Shop Sketch Bell
- Christian Doppler's Tie
- Christopher Lee's Copy of "the Lord of the Rings"
- Chunk of the Chelyabinsk Meteor
- Clever Hans’ Horseshoes
- Closet Door
- Coconut Shells from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- Code of Hammurabi Tablet
- Cold War Air Raid Siren
- Collection of Jimmy MacDonald's Sound Effect Devices
- Cookware from the ''Iron Chef'' Set
- Copper Roof Panel from the Plaza Hotel
- Copy of 'Everyday Chemistry' by the Beatles
- Edmund Mcllhenny's Hot Sauce
- Edsel Ford Fong's Apron
- Eduard Khil's Suit
- Edvard Grieg's Metronome
- Edwin H. Land's First Polarized Sunglasses
- Elise Olmstead's Radio Equipment
- Elizabeth I's Toilet
- Empire State Building Masonry
- Ergot Bread from Salem
- Ernest Hemingway's Sweater
- Evliya Çelebi's Travel Journal
- F.A.O. Schwarz's Toy Box
- Fats Domino's Spoon
- First Wheel
- Football Bomb
- Fork from the Donner Party
- Frank Herbert's Map of Arrakis
- Frank Lloyd Wright's Blueprints of "Fallingwater"
- Frank Morris' Spoon
- Franz Ferdinand's Jacket
- François l'Olonnais Gemstone Ring
- Frederick Law Olmsted's Map of Central Park
- Frederick Lorz's Running Shoes
- Frida Kahlo's Thorn Necklace
- Friedrich Nietzsche's Moustache Clippings
- Front Porch from William McKinley's House
- J. Edgar Hoover's Tie
- J.R.R. Tolkien's Ring
- J.T. Saylors's Overalls
- Jackson Pollock's "No. 5, 1948"
- Jackson Pollock's Pack of Cigarettes
- James Brown's Shoes
- James Gandolfini's Jukebox
- James Smithson's Money
- Jar of Air from the Great Stink of 1858
- Jar of Molasses from the Boston Molasses Disaster
- Jesse Owens' Running Shoes
- Joe Ades' Potato Peeler
- John D. Rockefeller's Bible
- John DeLorean's Drawing Table
- John Hendrix's Bible
- Joseph Ducreux's Cane
- Joseph Fourier's Pocket Knife
- Joseph McCarthy's List of Communists
- Joseph Wolpe's Glasses
- Jules Verne's Original Manuscripts
- M.E. Clifton James's Fake Military Uniform
- Martin Laurello's Shirt
- Maurice Tillet's Wrestling Trunks
- Metal Rooster Statue
- Mikhail Britnev's Journal
- Minoru Yamasaki's Model of the World Trade Center
- Mirin Dajo's Rib Bone
- Mohammad Sidique Khan's Prayer Rug
- Monopoly Board from the Great Train Robbery
- Movie Projector from the Berlin Wintergarten Theatre
- P.T. Barnum's Top Hat & Walking Stick
- Paintbrush from a Radium Watch Factory
- Paul Charles Dozsa's Chopsticks
- Percy Spencer's Microwave Oven
- Phineas Gage's Tamping Iron
- Pickens County Courthouse Window
- Piece of the Antikythera Mechanism
- Pierre Charles L'Enfant's Compass
- Pistol from the USS Maine
- Pocketknife from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Art Theft
- Police Car from the MOVE Bombing
- Pony Express Mail Bag
- Psychic Penny
- Ray Bradbury's Lighter
- Recording of the Max Headroom Broadcast Intrusion
- Red Forest Flute
- Robert Frost's Stone Wall
- Robert Ripley's Safari Hat
- Robert Wadlow's Shoes
- Rodney King's Tool Belt
- Roger Ebert's DVD Player
- Roger Patterson's Film Camera
- Room 22 Door
- Rose Mary Woods' Telephone
- Roy Sullivan's Hat
- Ruth Graves Wakefield's Baking Sheet