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Warehouse 13 Artifact Database Wiki
Archibald McIndoe's Saline Bathtub
Artifact mcindoebathtub


Archibald McIndoe




Cures all burns


Turns water into saline.


Bathing in the tub

Collected by

Artie Nielson



Date of Collection

February 22nd, 1992



Archibald McIndoe was a plastic surgeon from New Zealand who invented the saline treatment to heal burns. During WW2 he enlisted in the army. His main duties in the service was to perform reconstructive surgery on those that suffered burns and disfigurements within the line of duty. He came up with several treatments to help his patients, including working on the walking-stick skin graft and immersing patients in saline baths. This greatly improved the survival rates of burn victims.


When someone bathes in the tub the water will become healing saline and it will heal all burns, regardless of severity or cause. The saline retains the healing powers even after it has been removed from the tub.

1328 16111729872

Artifact before collection


Artie keeps a small vial of the saline in his to-go bag, in case of emergencies.

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